یونیت هیدرولیک دستگاه برش سرد
:features standard following the includes unit power hydraulic 20-HPU T
- .(Hz 60/50, V 460-380 (motor electric HP 2
features standard following the includes unit power hydraulic
20-HPU The .(Hz 60/50, V 460-380 (motor electric HP 20 .light warning Oil Low/Temp Over and, direction flow), flow (speed, off/on power for controls with Pendant .stop emergency .casters marring-non with base mobile Removable .system lifting point-Four .filter oil hydraulic micron 20 .readout digital with exchanger Heat .motor hydraulic MP250 S+M .finish coat Powder SPECIFICATIONS (bar 100 @ min/l 66-15: (Flow (bar 100 (at set Factory: Pressure (cm 175 x cm 105 x cm 91): (base with (Dimensions base mobile and oil including), kg 400: (Weight (liters 200: (Capacity Oil Hydraulic (bar 124: (Pressure Relief Hydraulic amps 30: Draw Current (C° 50: (Temperature O