about us

About  Kachar Tools
Kachar Tools Company was established with the aim of producing industrial hydraulic tools and has expanded its activity by providing various products in the field of industrial hydraulic equipment required by various industries.
Kachar Tools has always been the main target of quality products and has been able to gain the trust and satisfaction of our customers by employing specialized and experienced engineers in the design of industrial hydraulic tools.
Kacharabzar Industrial Group, with the motto of customer service, has put the after sales service at the forefront of the company and is always looking for added value for our customers. It also guarantees products for 2 years in order to gain customers' trust and confidence.
The price is right:
Product prices are influenced by factors such as the quality of raw materials and overhead costs of production and other costs, so the company eliminates the extra costs and increases its quality in the light of the above.
Internal expertise:  
Kachar Tool is a symbol of successful management and specialized and experienced engineers who, using high quality parts and supplying original parts without intermediaries from overseas manufacturers, provide production infrastructure according to all industrial tooling standards and quality of their products. Increases day by day.
Company goals:
  • Improving quality to increase competitiveness with foreign products
  • Accurate, scientific identification and ongoing evaluation of suppliers
  • Product innovation and responsiveness to the hidden needs of customers
  • Increase production by improving productivity and improving product line
  • Improving quality and completing product portfolio and innovation tailored to market needs
  • Research on the use of new technologies to reduce costs and accelerate the production of quality products
Kachar Co. was instrumental in developing the industry and preventing foreign currency exports from the country, and producing knowledge and spiritual value from expert experts, the elites of the country, and Kachar Co. formed the tool.
Areas of activity of the company are:
Design and manufacture of special tools for various industries
Design and manufacture of single, double, and three floor standard tumbler bolts in standard and custom sizes and sizes.
Design and manufacture of all types of book jacks, safety belts, aluminum cylinders and spring-loaded jacks in standard and custom sizes and sizes.
Design and manufacture of high pressure pumps
Design and manufacture of high pressure hydraulic and pneumatic couplings
Design and manufacture of all kinds of fiasco
Design and manufacture of high pressure hydraulic and pneumatic couplings
Design and manufacture of all kinds of fiasco
Run PM and TPM repair and maintenance program
Updating production lines and machinery and performing major repairs
Design and manufacture of special machines for special applications in various industries
Six-axis CNC machines
Design, supervision and implementation of medium voltage power projects
Design and implementation of project monitoring and control tools